Found Object #1 (Bouquet)

Found Object #11 (Shoe)

Found Object #2 (Headlight)

Found Objects #6 & #7 (Cassettes)

Found Object #3 ("The Thing")

Found Object #4 (Chop with Buddha)

Found Object #5 (Tomato Paste Can)

Found Object #8 (Hair Pick)

Found Object #10 ("A Project Boy's Life of Crime in the City of $F")

Charlie Lee / Chopper
James / Slim
Neighborhood Still Life #1
301 Crisp Rd.
Found Object #1 (Bouquet)
Found Object #11 (Shoe)
Found Object #2 (Headlight)
Found Objects #6 & #7 (Cassettes)
Found Object #3 ("The Thing")
Found Object #9 (Brick)
Found Object #4 (Chop with Buddha)
Found Object #5 (Tomato Paste Can)
Found Object #8 (Hair Pick)
Found Object #10 ("A Project Boy's Life of Crime in the City of $F")
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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