(Post transferred, original content posted Friday, April 19, 2013)
Ken Harman, curator over at the fabulous Spoke Art Gallery, asked me a couple months back to make some work for the gallery's upcoming Martin Scorsese tribute show in New York.
Scorsese: an art tribute opens tonight atBold Hype gallery in NYC, and runs through the weekend.
For the show I made two pieces. First, a lifesize charcoal and graphite drawing of Robert De Niro from Taxi Driver.
Turns out De Niro has nice lats.
The original will be accompanied by a limited edition run of 12x24in prints, available first at the show and then after via Spoke Art's website.
At the opening
Humbled to be in such illustrious company. 75 artists contributed work resulting in a total over 150 pieces. I Wish I could have seen it in person.
Charcoal & Graphite on paper, 19x24in Mr. Scorsese himself purchased the drawing.
The second piece was a bit smaller. I decided to try and tackle a portrait of Martin Scorsese himself, while attempting to avoid the standard sort of approach taken to images of him.
Thanks to Nicolas Guerin for the reference material.
Word on the street is that Scorsese may actually stop by the show! If you live in the vicinity of NY, the show will be a total blast and you should stop by and check it out. Details are here.
**Addendum: Mr. Scorsese himself did indeed stop by the show. He also generously purchased my portrait of him.